Saturday, February 21, 2009

Visitors from Nelson

Bikers in the Tour de Langkawi.

During this past week we had Ken and Marion Hunter as guests. They stopped on their way back to Dalian, China where Marion is vice-principal of a school. They arrived on the afternoon of Friday, February 13. We didn't give them a chance to unwind after their 17 hour journey to Kuala Lumpur. We headed off again to Malacca, our favourite get-a-way close to the city. We managed to arrive in time for the night market and had a great time wandering among the stalls, checking out their wares and sampling the street food. Everything is fried or deep fried and met Maureen's criteria for low fat food. Actually the palm oil business in Malaysia is big and that is the cheapest and most common oil used in food prep. Palm oil, of course, is rich in trans fats and everything else that is bad for you. Anyway we sampled deep fried veggies, fried oysters, other unrecognizable stuff, and even a kind of deep fried bread with ice-cream in the middle. A complete meal with the dessert but eaten in random order. Maureen even managed to hook up with a line dancing group she met the last time and couldn't leave until she taught them all a dance she knew. The next day we explored the city some more before heading back to KL.

Marion and Moe are shopping. Ken and Al, well, just hanging around directing traffic.

On Sunday we went to downtown KL to show Ken and Marion around and ended up watching the criterion event of the Tour de Langkawi, an annual international bike race. It really was amazing to see all the hoopla that goes along with a major bike race like this. There were about 100 or so riders taking part and each one seemed to have a couple of support vehicles and with a few extra bikes on top of the cars following them around on the course. We saw about 10 of the 12 laps of the race before we tired of the whole thing and headed home.
During the rest of the week Maureen and I headed off to work leaving our guests free to explore the city and relax on their own. Marion joined us one day at work and helped us both out in our assignments and got to see us and the school in action. We managed to find something to do each night and had a great visit. It was all capped off with a trip to the Skybar on Thursday which is located on the 35th floor of a hotel with a panoramic view of the Petronas Towers. We arrived before dusk and stayed until the towers were completely lit up. It was amazing sight.

Friday was the teachers' variety show at the school. This event has been a tradition in the school for some time and it was sold out far in advance of the performance. Performers for some of the acts seemed to be practicing for weeks. Maureen took part in two dance performances, Bollywood, which you can see below, and one called Margartia. There were many practices for both and elaborate costuming involved. Maureen managed to make as many as she could in between basketball practices and other commitments. I got roped in at the last minute to participate in a WrestleMania spoof. We spent about 5 minutes talking about what we might do, which is my kind of prep for something like this. It ended up being rather funny and will be one the elementary kids will be talking about for some time.

I've trjed to download the video with no luck a number times. The best I can do is offer this You Tube link. My video is better so I'll keep trying.

Here is the Wild Scot. He had to battle the evil Rubber Man.

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